Collegiate Logbook Sculling

Collegiate Logbook Sculling

Collegiate Logbook Sculling is for athletes who have graduated high school and are 18+, and who have passed a Captain’s Test becoming certified to take out Great Bay owned shells. This is a great way to train independently, or simply get out and enjoy the river.

Unlike our regular logbook sculling program, the collegiate logbook sculling membership is offered for the Summer season only. Check Out Regatta Central for pricing and to register. Please note, this is NOT a coached program, and athletes must already be proficient scullers.

Shells are available on a first come, first served basis based on availablity. Coached competitive programs have equipment priority, so please be familiar with the summer rowing calendar.  All logbook sculling runs out of the Jacksons Landing Boathouse in Durham NH, on the Oyster River.

After you register, please contact GBR rowing director, to schedule a Captain’s Test

Information for Current Logbook Scullers
Club singles are available for use outside of scheduled practice times. Please refer to the GBR Calendar to ensure equipment will be available when you plan to row.

Weather & Tide Information for Jacksons Landing, Durham NH – Please Check Before You Row

Please be familiar with the GBR Safety Policy – particularly conditions when it is unsafe to row

We suggest carrying a Onyx Manual Inflatable Life Jacket while rowing alone. You can find one to purchase by clicking here.