Logbook Sculling ($330) is for adult club members who have passed a Captain’s Test and are certified to take out Great Bay owned shells. Shells are available on a first come, first served basis if not already blocked out for a coached class. All logbook equipment is at Jacksons Landing in Durham NH, and athletes will row on the Oyster River.
You must have a Current Annual Masters Membership to add Logbook Rowing.
Information for Current Logbook Sculling
Club boats are available for use outside of scheduled practice times. Please refer to the GBR Calendar to ensure equipment will be available when you plan to row.
Jacksons Landing Tide Chart – Click Here
Please be familiar with the GBR Safety Policy – particularly conditions when it is unsafe to row
We suggest carrying a Onyx Manual Inflatable Life Jacket while rowing alone. You can find one to purchase by clicking here.