
Middle School Spring Rowing

Our spring programs will provide a safe, fun way to get out on the water, do something physical, and learn a new skill!

Athletes in 8th grade who are looking for a more intensive training experience should check out the High School Novice Team – no experience necessary.

April Vacation Middle School Rowing Camps 2025

Camp 1 (most Maine schools)
April 21st to April 25th
Monday through Friday

Camp 2 (most New Hampshire schools)
April 28th to May 2nd
Monday through Friday

Get a jump start on the spring rowing season, or try the sport for one week to see if you like it!

Open to athletes grades 6-8, with or without prior rowing experience. Athletes will be grouped into boats based on experience and skill level, with our mulitple coaches working to make sure each individual is being challenged appropriately and able to learn at their own pace.

All practices will be held at Jacksons Landing, in Durham NH
Register Here Under Camps, Clinics, Conventions

Middle School Rowing Spring 2025
May 5th to May 31st
Monday, Wednesday, Friday**

Open to athletes grades 6-8, with or without prior rowing experience. Athletes will be grouped into boats based on experience and skill level, with our mulitple coaches working to make sure each individual is being challenged appropriately and able to learn at their own pace. The season will culminate with a intrasquad race, where athletes can show off their new skills to family and friends!

The first week of practice will be a dryland “preseason” where athletes work on their overall strength and fitness as a team, regardless of prior experience level.

All practices will be held at Jacksons Landing, in Durham NH
Register Here Under Teams & Groups

**There will be a few deviations from this schedule, to accommodate tidal access at Jacksons Landing. Athletes and families will be made aware of any schedule changes well ahead of time.

GBR Athletes in a Double Scull