
Welcome to the Spring 2025 Season! The Spring season will run from Monday, March 31st to Friday, May 30th. Athletes who are in 8th – 12th grade are welcome to join either the High School Varsity Team or the High School Novice Team.

The Spring Season Parent & Athlete Meeting will be held on Friday, March 28th at 6:30pm. This is mandatory for all athletes and parents, both new and returning. The meeting will immediately follow our club annual meeting, where we will give updates on the boathouse project and elect our new board members.

No experience with rowing is necessary to join the Novice Team.
Any athlete with prior experience at a different rowing program who is interested in joining GBR should contact the Rowing Director and provide a letter of reference from their previous coach, so we may best integrate you into the team.

The Varsity and Novice teams will practice during the same time slot (Monday – Friday, 4:30pm to 6:30pm), and will be boated within their respective squads. Practices are held at both Jacksons Landing in Durham and Hilton Park in Dover, depending on the tides each week.

Athletes on both the Varsity and Novice teams will race on weekends throughout April and May. The race schedule is at the bottom of this page and will be updated as the start of the season gets closer.

Season tuition covers racing entry fees, coaching and equipment costs, club membership and facilities upkeep. Fees for uniforms, gear and race travel will be assessed separately throughout the season.

We will be seeking volunteers for various tasks throughout the spring season, including assisting with the food tent at regattas, organizing the end of season celebration, coordinating the team sponsor shirts, assisting with equipment maintenance and transport, and fulfilling our USRowing Volunteer Requirement at applicable events.

March 31st to May 30th
Monday thru Friday
4:30pm to 6:30pm

A novice athlete is anyone in their first year of competition against other teams. If you joined the Novice team in the Fall of 2024, you are still a Novice in the Spring of 2025. This team is open to any athlete in grades 8-12, who had no prior competitive racing experience or prior rowing experience.

If you are not sure if you qualify for this team, please contact the Rowing Director prior to registering.

Varsity Team (minimum one year of Novice Team required)
March 31st to May 30th*
Monday thru Friday 4:30pm to 6:30pm
Saturdays in April when we don’t have regattas 8am to 10am

You qualify as a varsity athlete if your first race against other teams occurred in Spring 2024 or earlier.

*Athletes who qualify for the USRowing Youth National Championship Regatta and choose to race will extend their season through June 8th.

If you are not sure if you qualify for this team, please contact the Rowing Director prior to registering.


Spring 2025 Regatta Schedule
Athletes are expected to compete at all regattas unless otherwise noted on the schedule. Conflicts should be communicated to the coaching staff as soon as possible.

Saturday, April 19th – Opening Day Regatta (Lawrence, MA)
Sunday, April 27th – Quinsigamond Sculls Regatta (Worcester, MA)
Saturday, May 10th & Sunday, May 11th – Amber Zapatka Memorial Regatta (Lowell MA)
Saturday, May 17th & Sunday, May 18th* – USRowing Northeast Youth Championships (Lowell, MA)
Saturday, May 24th – Granite State Sculling Championships (Hanover NH)
Thursday, June 12th to Sunday, June 15th** – USRowing Youth National Championships (Sarasota, FL)

* Qualifyer for Youth Nationals
**Qualifying Crews Only